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GannettUSA Today

Monday, April 23, 2007

Oh, what a night ...

Patrons at the box office of the hit Broadway musical "Jersey Boys'' are greeted with a warning that profanity and "Jersey vocabulary'' are used as special effects in the production. And they definitely are, presumably to add a genuine voice to the story of the Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. The show would be a crowd-pleaser with or without the naughty words that wouldn't be allowed at the dinner table of that era -- the '60s -- and even now, 40 years later.

But students today aren't affected by warnings about coarse language stuck on CDs they buy or the movies they watch, our prize-winning Student Voices essayists told us for the op-ed page Tuesday. The vast majority of youngsters said the music and story line are what counts. And as one student put it: "The store might as well put a huge 'buy me' sticker on the CD.'' It's clear this younger generation won't let the obscenity or violence get in the way of their enjoyment.

Is this a healthy development? And is "Jersey vocabulary'' another distinction of our beleaguered state?


Blogger margaret said...

My dad used to say that saying the "F" word and any kind of profanity just shows to the world one's made an impact, because it was true. When I heard others, especially kids my age spewing out those words, they did sound stupid. I guess they just didn't realize it, or have a great Dad to point it out.

3:13 PM, April 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Jersey vocabulary," eh? How charming. I take umbrage, on behalf of all sesquipedalians here on the Hudson's rive gauche.

11:22 AM, April 24, 2007  

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