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GannettUSA Today

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Spelling assurance

Lest anyone thinks that the present crop of students doesn't have what it takes to succeed, any of the numerous competitions they enter should arrest those fears. Spelldown 2006, sponsored by the Press and Home News Tribune, is a prime example. These students, from grades 3 through 8, know their words and have the composure to spell them correctly on a big stage in front of a big audience.

The very best of the competitors have to do more than just memorize every word in their practice book. They have to have a keen ear, understand how words are formed, recognize the impact of language origin and still spell the word correctly.

At the Spelldown last week, the final three spellers were very gracious in their applause for the other contestants when they bowed out and in discussing how very competitive the contest was over a tense 39 rounds. Fear not about whether today's students will succeed in life. They already are.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon...all they do is have good memories. Like those "super whiz kids" who go on late-night talk shows - the ones who can name all capitals in the world - aren't smart at all - they just can memorize better than others. And that's all these spelling bee kids can do.

10:27 AM, March 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon...all they do is have good memories. Like those "super whiz kids" who go on late-night talk shows - the ones who can name all capitals in the world - aren't smart at all - they just can memorize better than others. And that's all these spelling bee kids can do.

10:27 AM, March 13, 2006  
Blogger Brachinus said...

Yeah, I'll bet their grades in math and science are near the bottom of the class.


2:33 PM, March 13, 2006  

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